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SMS Templates

Bulk SMS for Automobile Companies

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Promotional Bulk SMS


Identify prospective vehicle buyers by targeted sms advertising

  • Rush! Exciting offers on year end. Discounts up to NGN. 250,000 on 4 wheelers. Valid up to 31 Dec. Call 90089 36906. -Vehicle Company.
  • Exciting Summer Offer on 2 wheelers. Low Down Payment up to NGN. 4500 or Exchange Bonus up to NGN. 7500. Valid up to 31 May. Call 90089 36906. -Vehicle Company.

Identify prospective customers for free test drives on arrival of new cars and bikes

  • Free Car Service Camp on 25 and 26 Oct. Venue: Airport Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos. Timings: 10 am to 8 pm. Call 90089 36906. -Vehicle Company.
  • Dasara Festival Heavy Discount Offer on 4 wheelers. Get discounts up to NGN. 250,000. Valid from 1 – 15 Oct. Hurry!. Call 90089 36906. -Vehicle Company.


Transactional Bulk SMS


  • Dear David, thank you for visiting our showroom. Give us your valuable feedback when someone calls you from our showroom. -Vehicle Company.
  • Dear Rose, thank you for booking a car from our showroom. For any queries call 90089 36906. -Vehicle Company.
  • Greetings from Vehicle1 Motors. Thank you for purchasing the Bike from our showroom. For any queries call 90089 36906. -Vehicle Company.
  • Dear Chidera, VIO has allotted a registration number for your vehicle and registration number is KA 04 E 4521. -Vehicle Company.
  • Dear Dayo, your vehicle with Reg. No. KA 03 F 7588 has been taken for the service. Delivery date is 16 Apr 2015 at 4 pm. -Vehicle Company.
  • Dear Kunle, your car is due for the first service. Please bring your vehicle before 16 Apr 2015. -Vehicle Company.
  • Dear Hassan, your vehicle AMC Service due on 16 Apr 2015. Please bring your vehicle before due date. -Vehicle Company.
  • Dear Faith, your vehicle is ready now. Approximate bill amount is NGN. 4500. Please take delivery before 16 Apr, 6 pm. -Vehicle Company.
  • Dear Seun, thanks for the payment of NGN. 5000 towards your vehicle no KA 05 D 7745. Your next EMI NGN. 5000 is due on 16 May. -Vehicle Company.
  • Dear Tobi, your two wheeler insurance expires on 16 Apr. Please visit our showroom for the renewal. -Vehicle Company.
  • Dear Daniel, How is your vehicle’s performance after service? If satisfied message YES else NO along with your vehicle Reg. No. to 98765 43210. -Vehicle Company.

Text in red colour are variables. They will be replaced with actual content while using the messaging service.

The number 98765 43210 and name “Vehicle1 Motors” used in the above sms templates are fictitious. They are used for only demonstration purpose. They will be replaced with the actual content while using the messaging service.


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