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SMS Templates

Bulk SMS for Ecommerce Websites

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Transactional Bulk SMS


  • Dispatched: Your package Sony Camera will be delivered on or before 08-July. – Nigeria Online Solutions.
  • Your package with Lenovo Laptop has been successfully delivered. Thank you for choosing us. – Nigeria Online Cart.
  • Your order with order id 402-520624 has been successfully placed. Please check your email for details. – Nigeria Online Store.
  • Congratulations! You have successfully verified your email id. Your account with the user id M5687 is active now. – Nigeria Online Mart.
  • Thank you for registering in Lagos Deals. To activate your account, please login to your email account and verify your email id. – Lagos Deals.
  • Your package Motorola Mobile will be delivered today by our agent 7411004141. Please pay NGN. 9,590 by cash or debit/credit card. – Nigeria Online Store.


Text in red colour are variables. They will be replaced with actual content while using the messaging service.

The numbers and names used in the above SMS templates are fictitious. They are used for only demonstration purpose. They will be replaced with the actual content while using the messaging service.

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