Transactional Bulk SMS
- Dear Members, Executive Meeting to be held on 16 Apr at Association Office. All members are requested to attend without fail. -India1 Club.
- Dear Members, Annual Subscription Fees Rs. 2000 for FY 2015 is due. Pay either at Association Office or in Association’s Bank Accounts. -India1 Club.
- Dear Members, New Year Celebrations will be held on 31 Dec 2015 at Association Office Terrace. All members are requested to participate without fail. -India1 Club.
- Dear Members, update your phone number, email id, and photo at the website before 18 July. -India1 Club.
- Dear Members, request you to confirm your names for Cultural Program to be held on 19 Sep. -India1 Club.
- Dear Members, request you to attend Career Workshop on Self Empowerment on 16 Aug. -India1 Club.
- Dear Members, Blood Group B+ required urgently for one of our members. If you want to donate contact Association Office or call 98765 43210. -India1 Club.
- Dear Members, Association Election scheduled on 26 Oct has been postponed due to administrative issues. We regret the inconvenience. -India1 Club.
- Dear Members, Adhaar Card Camp will be conducted in Association’s premises on 10 May from 9 am to 6 pm. Request all to make use of this opportunity. -India1 Club.
- Dear Members, with profound grief and sorrow, we inform the sad demise of Sharma’s mother who left for heavenly aboard on 4 Mar 2015. -India1 Club.
Text in red colour are variables. They will be replaced with actual content while using the messaging service.
The number 98765 43210 and name “India1 Club” used in the above sms templates are fictitious. They are used for only demonstration purpose. They will be replaced with the actual content while using the messaging service.